Radiant Barriers

Are you paying too much in A/C costs? Part of it may be attributable to heat transfer by thermal radiation. On a sunny day, a roof absorbs solar energy. Via conduction, much of this heat travels through roofing materials to the attic-facing side. Afterward, this heat gain is radiated onto various attic surfaces, including the attic floor and attic ducts.

How Does a Radiant Barrier Help?

Simply put, a radiant barrier reduces this energy flow. With low-emissive properties, it lessens heat transfer from the roof underside to other, cooler attic surfaces. Most of the heat energy is reflected away and, as a result, little heat is emitted onto these areas.

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In other words, the primary function of a radiant barrier is to reduce heat gain and, by extension, air conditioning costs. Benefits will vary depending on barrier positioning, local climate, attic features, and other factors.

Radiant Barrier Benefits

Here’s an overview of some advantages offered by a radiant barrier:

  • Can block 90-97% of radiant heat
  • Reduces home’s energy consumption
  • May give 10-15% A/C cost savings or more
  • Greater home comfort
  • Lesser strain on cooling equipment
  • Lower home’s environmental footprint

Cost savings may differ based on your home’s energy use. If you have questions about how a radiant barrier can be beneficial, don’t hesitate to contact us!

How is Performance Calculated?

An important performance measure is found in the radiant barrier’s emissivity. According to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, emissivity is “the property that determines how well [the barrier] will perform.” It’s assigned a value of a number between 0 and 1.

Lower values indicate lower emittance and by extension, the barrier’s capacity for emitting radiation. The product manufacturer will provide materials with this information and other technical details. We’ll be glad to help you understand this, as well!

What about R-Value?

Other Benefits

  • Convenient installation
  • Easy install process
  • Increase current insulation’s efficiency
  • May increase home value
  • Doesn’t block cellular or antennae signals

Radiant barriers are a powerful solution for lowering energy use and household costs. However, in general, a specific R-value can’t be assigned across the board. Home construction specifications, location, and climate all play roles in determining what a barrier’s R-value will be.

Your own radiant barrier’s R-value will depend on its own unique application & specifications. Call us if you have any questions or would like to learn how this solution stands out from others on the market.

Request Evaluation

We proudly offer a full range of energy solutions. If you’re interested in learning about the merits of a radiant barrier for your home, we’d be glad to help. Our principal has 25+ years of related experience!

Call us today to request a professional evaluation. We’ll help you determine various ways to save energy and answer all of your questions. It would be our pleasure to assist you.

Don’t hesitate! Call us today at (419) 496-6443 to learn how you can save money!